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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 731-1



Alexsandro da Silva Siqueira (UFMT - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso) ; Mara Fernandes da Silva (IFMT - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso Campus São Vicente) ; Poliana Fernandes de Almeida (IFMT - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso Campus São Vicente) ; Jorge Luiz da Silva (IFMT - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso Campus São Vicente)

Milk is a food, consumed in Brazil and worldwide, rich in many beneficial nutrients to the human population. In addition, it is a source of income for many agroindustry families that sell milk and dairy products. In this context, laboratory analyses allow knowing and monitoring raw milk quality as well as guaranteeing food safety. The raw milk quality has direct effect on the price paid to producers, as it directly impacts derivatives yield and shelf life. The objective of this work was to determine the microbiological and chemical parameters of refrigerated raw milk samples. It was study samples from 5 dairy farms in Campo Verde city, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The samples were collected directly from the refrigeration tank and then transported under refrigeration to the food microbiology laboratory to carry out microbiology analyses of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, total and thermotolerant coliforms and Salmonella spp. Physicochemicals analyses of pH, lipids, protein and lactose were also carried out. The results were statistically evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey test at 5% of significance using R statistical program. Microbiological analyses pointed out large discrepancy in bacterial counts. Mesophiles and psychrotrophs counts presented values between 3.46 &#+177 0.694 and 5.24 &#+177 0.607 log CFU/mL, and 1.70 &#+177 0.000 and 6.18 &#+177 0.105 log CFU/mL, respectively. Brazilian legislation recommends maximum value of 5.47 log CFU/mL for raw milk standard plate counts. Therefore, some data are in disagreement with the legislation. Results for total and thermotolerant coliforms varied from < 1.8 to 21 MPN/mL and < 1.8 to 11 MPN/mL, respectively. These results show the lack of standardization parameters that it can affect raw milk hygienic-sanitary quality. However, Salmonella absence was observed in all samples. This is very important because this pathogen is involved in many foodborne disease outbreaks. For physicochemicals parameters, significant differences were observed for all evaluated characteristics. Protein, lipids and lactose concentrations were between 3.36 &#+177 0.010% to 3.53 &#+177 0.021%, 3.68 &#+177 0.048% to 4.64 &#+177 0.041% and 4.99 &#+177 0.013% to 5.22 &#+177 0.033%, respectively. While raw milk pH values ranged from 6.3 &#+177 0.411 to 6.81 &#+177 0.026. These parameters are important for dairy derivatives development. In this study, all evaluated chemical characteristics were in accordance with brazilian legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to implement corrective measures and constantly monitoring of raw milk to ensure its microbiological and chemical quality. Information about raw milk quality on rural properties, mainly from family farming, enable to know production conditions and minimize problems, consequently adding value to the final product.

 dairy derivatives, family agroindustry, food safety, milk quality, raw milk

Agência de fomento:
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMAT); Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso (IFMT/ Propes – Pró reitoria de Pesquisa)